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Fiduciaries and notaries under the spell of the skills shortage: innovation strategies for a prosperous future

The skills shortage poses immense challenges for many industries, but it is hitting the trust and legal sector particularly hard. Finding qualified staff is increasingly difficult, which can affect the efficiency and quality of services. But instead of burying their heads in the sand, trustees and notaries can boldly adopt innovative strategies to address the skills shortage with renewed vigour. In this article, we take a closer look at how these professionals can buck the trend.

Automation: The future of workflows

In an increasingly technology-driven world, it is essential that trustees and notaries also keep pace. The use of automation and technology can reduce manual and time-consuming tasks. This is especially true for repetitive, administrative tasks, like e.g. transferring data into document templates or organising meetings and taking minutes. Data entry and even initial legal checks can be handled by automated systems. This allows staff to free up valuable time for more demanding and strategic tasks. While this change requires openness to modern technical solutions and the time investment in initially filling them, in the long run the efficiency gains will justify the effort.

Flexibility: A key to employee satisfaction

Flexible working hours and locations have long since ceased to be just wishes of employees, but are also decisive factors for their satisfaction and performance. Fiduciaries and notaries can accommodate their employees by providing flexible working options. Home office options and adapted working hours allow professionals to better balance their professional and personal commitments. This not only contributes to staff retention, but can also attract talented professionals looking for a work-life balance.

Continuing education: Investing in the employees of tomorrow

Changes in technology and the changing demands of the profession require continuous training. Fiduciaries and notaries should offer their staff the opportunity to expand their skills and keep up to date. Continuing education and training can not only deepen knowledge, but also boost employees' self-confidence. Encouraging lifelong learning shows staff that they are valued and that law firms are willing to invest in their professional development.

Cooperation with subcontractors: Flexibility without long-term commitment

Working with subcontractors or freelancers can be a smart strategy to fill a resource gap, at least temporarily. Project-based collaborations can allow law firms to use specialists only when they are really needed. This not only opens up access to expertise that may not be available internally, but also offers flexibility without long-term ties.

Process optimisation: increasing efficiency from within

A critical look at existing processes can often reveal unused potential. Analysing and optimising workflows can help to use time and personnel more efficiently. By eliminating unnecessary steps, resources can be freed up to focus on strategic tasks.

Conclusion: Bold steps for a bright future

The shortage of skilled workers may be a huge challenge, but trustees and notaries can actively tackle it. The combination of different measures, such as automation, flexibility, training, subcontractor cooperation and process optimisation, can revolutionise the future of this industry. By thinking and acting innovatively, they can not only defy the skills shortage, but also create a prosperous and successful future.

Konsento operates a LegalTech platform for the equity management of stock corporations, the aim of which is to simplify corporate housekeeping with managed workflows and automation, reduce the risk of errors and thus help all parties save time and money. On Konsento, trustees and notaries can manage all their mandates from a single user account. The solutions include, among others, electronic share registers, data room, investor communication, tools for general meetings and board meetings, automatic creation and filling of ownership certificates, tax certificates and documents required for the public certification of capital increases, as well as numerous templates for meeting agendas and legal documents. 

Auf Konsento können Treuhänder und Notare alle ihre Mandate aus einem einzigen Benutzer-Account heraus verwalten. Die Lösungen beinhalten u.a. elektronische Aktienregister, Datenraum, Investorenkommunikation, Tools für Generalversammlungen und Verwaltungsratssitzungen, die automatische Erstellung und Befüllung von Eigentumsbestätigungen, Steuerbescheinigungen und Dokumente, die für die öffentliche Beurkundung von Kapitalerhöhungen notwendig sind, sowie zahlreiche Vorlagen für Sitzungstraktanden und Rechtsdokumente. 

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