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The operators of the Zehndermätteli (from left): Simon and Anna Tauber with Marcel Geissbühler

Zehndermätteli: “We were a little surprised by the complexity of a capital increase”

The Zehendermätteli, a beautiful gastronomy and event location located directly at the Aare in Bern, has carried out a capital increase. This is intended to further expand the business model and the vision of the inclusion of people with more difficult access to society and the labor market. 

Social entrepreneurs Anna and Simon Tauber answered some questions regarding their capital increase campaign.

The operators of the Zehndermätteli (from left): Simon and Anna Tauber with Marcel Geissbühler 

Konsento: How long have you been running the Zehndermätteli and what do you want to achieve with it in the long term?

Anna and Simon Tauber: We have been running the Zehendi for almost three years now, after we won a public competition and our concept prevailed over 20 competitors.

Our vision is to create a diverse, entrepreneurial ecosystem consisting of the interaction of gastronomy and agriculture, culture and social affairs.

A resource-conserving circular economy is being created in Zehendi. 

As a company, we want to take responsibility and offer creative solutions to social challenges.

That's why we are committed to greater inclusion and offer people with difficult access to society and the labor market meaningful jobs and training positions.

We design and create the 4 hectares of land that belong to the restaurant according to permaculture principles with the aim of promoting biodiversity and producing slow food and slow flowers.

The Zehendi is an oasis of life.

Konsento: Why did you decide to carry out a capital increase that was particularly targeted to your own community?

Anna and Simon: As a young company, we started the complex start-up, which consists of 4 different company divisions, with little equity. It quickly became clear that we needed more capital to develop the company. The capital increase seemed to us to be the right instrument for this, among other things because the purchase of a share enables a special form of participation for investors.

Konsento: Did you know how to approach such a campaign and what requirements are associated with a capital increase?

Anna and Simon: The requirements for a capital increase were new to us. We were also a little surprised by the complexity of a capital increase and what it entails legally. However, we were always fully informed via Konsento and learned a lot in this process. Promoting the campaign itself was a complex undertaking, but it was also a pleasure because it is a creative process.

Konsento: How did Konsento specifically support you in your preparation?

Anna and Simon: Based on conversations with friends, we had vague ideas about what we wanted to do and how. Konsento then helped us to implement what we actually intended correctly and cleanly. For example, the Konsento team supported us in structuring the financing round (how many shares, what nominal value per share, etc.). They have also provided us with a modern landing page so that interested parties could easily register their interest and their personal data. The whole process was very simple and digital.

Konsento: How did you approach your community, but also unknown people, about the opportunity to participate?

Anna and Simon: We created a stylish landing page with all relevant information and used creative tools, such as a video where we explained our request. We also used all social media channels. Written personal letters, emails, etc. and sought personal dialogue with potential donors. We also let prominent supporters speak with appealing quotes.

A place to find everyday happiness...
...or to celebrate special events.

Konsento: If you could give one tip to other entrepreneurs who want to run a similar campaign themselves: What would it be? 

Anna and Simon: Good preparation and determining which people you want to win with which strategy, and not just focusing on your personal environment. Personal dialogue is effective.

Clear communication for WHAT the money will be used for. Let “prominent” supporters who have supported the campaign say why it is worth supporting the campaign.

Konsento: How was Konsento able to support you in carrying out the capital increase with the new investors?

Anna and Simon: Konsento took care of everything related to the capital increase, apart from directly addressing investors. They electronically sent the subscription forms to the investors for signature, the details were defined with the certifying notary and the relevant meetings (extraordinary general meeting, board meeting on the capital increase and board meeting on the approval of the capital increase) were held to obtain the resolutions set up on the Konsento platform. At the same time, the Articles of Association were also adjusted accordingly, so that we had an understanding of the formal changes, but everything was coordinated.

Konsento: What did you particularly appreciate about working with Konsento? 

Anna and Simon: As someone relatively unknowing in this area, we could fully rely on Konsento. At Konsento Sandro and the team were always available, and the new shareholders were also able to be guided through the formalities in a very straightforward and digital process. With the intuitive Konsento platform, the professional exchange with our new shareholders continues. The digital share register is always up to date and legally compliant. We are already looking forward to our next general meeting.

Would you take this route again with Konsento?

Anna and Simon: Anytime again with Konsento. They provide a simple and comprehensive solution - cool!

Konsento: What are your next big goals?

Anna and Simon: We are currently evaluating and optimizing all processes in order to further develop our company. Our focus is on digitalization to increase efficiency and in agriculture we are planning a large agroforestry project as well as special solar panels for the benefit of our greenhouses.

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